Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A walk for Keiran's First Birthday

I would have liked to do something a little more than walking around Rockford or sitting in a hotel with Keiran, but that was "not allowed" according to his mother. Unfortunately we were reserved to strollering around to guitar center where we looked at all the instruments and trying out hats at "Deals." After that we picked out a Birthday present (a set of emergency vehicles with noises & blinking lights) at toys r us. Keiran is a big fan of Mexican food so we went to Dos Reales for dinner. He really loves refried beans, shredded beef, cheese & rice! My phone/camera was dying so I didn't get a ton of pictures of the latter half of our trip. Here are the photos i did get though. A video should be up soon, but it's kinda long so youtube is taking forever to upload it.

Friday, March 4, 2011

belvidere library

We tried working on some Dr. Seuss coloring books with some (non-toxic) crayola markers. I showed Keiran how the ink can go on the page but he really only managed to get it all over his hands. Too young still?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

visit with keiran

Its been almost a month! :-(
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